
Dienstag, 8. Oktober 2013


Hey guys :)

I just thought I'd let you know what is going on in my life right now! - and that's gonna happen in english! :)

So, what do you want to know? - I put a new gadget on the right side of this page, so just email me if you have questions, comments, anything! 

In school i'm joining the cross country team now. It's fun, and the people are nice as well :) 
We practice 3 times a week and have a meeting (race) nearly once a week. It's hard especially at the beginning, but your getting fit and your getting better. 

That's a picture of me and a girl from japan, that is joining the team as well. :) 

What else could i tell you? Well at school, everything is fine so far, i understand most of the things in class, even biology. It was kind of difficult at the beginning for me, because i had to deal with a lot of new, complicated words. I got 19/28 marks on my first test and on the second one 9/10. I'm fine with that! :) 
In Social Science we were divided into little groups and we had to do like an experiment, or an observation. Just looking at human behavior in different ways. 
I did an experiment with two other girls and we wanted to look at different learning styles. So we went into 4 classes and gave to of them a story, that they should read themselves and to the other two classes we read a the story. After that everybody had to do a questionnaire on the story. 
So we collected data and than we also had to present our results in our class. We didn't get any feedback yet, but i think it was fine though. 
In gym we were talking a lot about weight training and how this is good for our life, our body. We had to do 2 assignments and now we have to develop our own template. 
These things are mostly homework and in class we play different games, but also do stretches, cardio, running, and things like circuit training. So it's good, even if we are just 5 girls! 
In art we had to do a still life. This is mine: 

Now we are doing a painting in fauvism-style. It's just about using very bright colors and so on. 

I already also made some friends. I have lunch with them. I think i told you about it already. It just a little bit difficult for me. 

In the host family, everything is perfect, really nothing to complain about. 

Here's just another picture from the sunset last night :) 

Talk to you soon guys, love you! 

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